Mrs. Picky Fanicky's foods

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alexa rating

Well, as you probably know i'm not the most savvy blog writer in the world. My thoughts go astray and my spelling is sometimes a little off. But, in my heart i have a very strong urge to not only teach our youth but to share as well. I have been working feverishly on making a new MmmMarmalade and have burned a few pots in the process. today i went back to the strawberry farm to ask when i could come back out to pick again. So, monday i will be wearing my shade hat, bucket in tow and best of all i'm taking jacob with me. Although jacob is in a wheelchair he can still point to the fattest strawberries and watch me in this labor of love. We have decided upon a great name for the newest and cannot wait till it is time to let everyone taste sample. On another note, what the heck is this alexa rating and how do i increase my numbers?